Friday, November 12, 2010

What can I do if I got cheated by wrong sale tactics in Singapore? End up buying ';A $900 cookware';? HELP!!!

First, we got a call from a someone who claims they are from the ';RC';, organizing some cooking class. Its a ??? when ask how they got our contacts. And asking my Dad to join??? Worse joke is, AT FIRST, SHE WANTED TO BRING A COPY OF THE COOKING RECIPT TO MY MUM (cos my mum answer the call which was meant for my dad) Absolutely Ridiculous!

MS ';Christine'; came to our house about 10.30am when me and my sis are working. Then the truth is out! She's here to sell this so-called famous ';Bxxxxxxx'; brand stainless steel cookware. She cooks brown rice for my parents using the cookware she bought over. (Psychology make them let down their guard) Then usual, start to sell the cookware...A set of only 5 pcs cost 5k.

That's not all, I have a talk with her over the phone...she's trying her sale talk on me. When most of the questions I ask her, she cannot give me a firm answer. Why must you confirm the order and get payment today?? What can I do???What can I do if I got cheated by wrong sale tactics in Singapore? End up buying ';A $900 cookware';? HELP!!!
Under Singapore latest consumer law, you should have 3 days cooling period. Just call them up and tell them you want to exercise your 3 day coolings right, you will have to refund. If they refuse, lodge a complain to CASE (Consumer Association of Singapore). can I do if I got cheated by wrong sale tactics in Singapore? End up buying ';A $900 cookware';? HELP!!!
$900 is a small price to learn a good lesson. It shows how vulnerable your parents are and how starved are they for attention. The pots sale are made on a willing buyer and willing seller basis. Like children they insist on having own control over their own money and spent it foolishly. They will continue to do so again in the future. You have to be creative on how to prevent this in future. Blaming others does not work.

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