A woman's in her huge, remodeled kitchen with slate or hardwood floors, cherry cabinets, granite countertop and Ann Sacks tile backsplash, and stainless steel appliances. She's cooking food she bought at Whole Foods.
Her husband walks in with a latte he bought at Starbucks on his way home from work, a commute he enjoys in his Lexus. He opens the mail to see his tickets for a cruise he's going to take in the Carib the coming February. He flips on the 72 inch flat screen tv and watches Lou Dobbs rail about how everything is worse than it was a generation ago, and he sends his buddy a text message saying you have to watch this, Dobbs is right?????
Is it that, while he's better off, his buddy is better off, everyone they both know is better off, they're convinced that somewhere out there are tens of millions of people who are somehow worse off?Can someone please explain?
I, too, get a HUGE kick out of the irony of the upper middle class, college-town dwelling morons in this country who run around like Chicken Littles telling us how awful everything is.
They really oughta get out more and see how the rest of the world works.
As one wag put it: ';If things are so awful then why is the Best Buy parking lot completely full on Saturdays and Sundays with folks putting flat screen TVs in their Corollas and Sentras?'; I'd just LOVE to hear one of those wacky far-left wingers answer that one!Can someone please explain?
I am obviously worse off--I can hardly afford my gas-guzzling SUVs. My children are also worse off...fat little soccer-playing butterballs instead of the healthy factory workers they would have been a couple of generations ago.
Edit--Sorry Cookies, I should have known I would be too subtle for some of you...My kids are grown and in Law and Business, respectively...that was a little joke on the lib soccer moms...
While Ken and Barbie don't see it around them. they aren't looking in the right place. When the collapse comes, you will see most of America slack jawed in surprise and not being able to fend for themselves...
1) You should have seen his place before. It is so bad that his wife has to cook (they had to lay off the chef), and not only did he have to drive himself home, he had to pick up his starbucks himself!
2) Even though he is doing better, since he believe Dobbs, he feels that a vast majority of others are not doing as well.
3) He just ordered a layoff of 20% of the workforce at his company, and he is wanting to briefly show his sympathy/concern.
4) He is running for office and the buddy he is text messaging is in the media and will print his reaction/concern for the common people.
Maybe they heard it from their under-paid Honduran housekeeper (who has no benefits, no legal status or rights, no hope and who can barely make her rent and food bills)
Some people just wanna bring everyone else down to their (lack of) success level.
Before the ';Collapse'; comes you will SEE the illegals running back to the border! Like rats leaving A SINKING SHIP.
What's to explain? There are millions who do not live at this level or anywhere near this level. There are millions, 45 million in fact, that have no health insurance and work two and three jobs just to make the rent and put gas in their 15 year old piece of crap car. That's not my life, but it is many others lives. I don't know that everything is worse than a generation ago, but just because it doesn't meet that standard doesn't mean that serious problems don't still exist. If you don't believe people are worse off than your example you are living in a fantasy land. It's not the person with the Lexus' duty to give a hand up to those with a much lower standard of living, but let's not pretend they don't exist all over this country. That's just being deliberately obtuse.
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